Go to extremes meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Go to extremes
As noun :
अतिरूप धारण करना
Go to extremes synonyms
overdo magnify fabricate distort emphasize inflate misrepresent heighten falsify amplify pyramid scam color corrupt fudge lie caricature stretch enlarge romance exalt pad embroider boost intensify expand boast hike brag puff romanticize build up cook up put on overdraw overestimate overemphasize misquote blow out of proportion lay it on thick loud talk make too much of misreport pretty up slave bite off more than one can chew go too far overextend oneself spread oneself too thin stay on the treadmill take on too much keep one's nose to the grindstone blow up out of proportion
Go to extremes antonyms
ignore decrease lessen play down compress abridge deprecate minimize understate contract lower reduce shrink depreciate be modest condense curtail shorten tell truth
Usage of Go to extremes in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi 
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