Stuck up meaning in malayalam
Word: Stuck up
Verb Dambhiyaaya (ഡംഭിയായ)
Meanings of Stuck up in malayalam :
Adjective Peaangacchamulla (പൊങ്ങച്ചമുള്ള)Stuck up definition
arrange into piles or stacks
Ex: She piled up her books in my living room
Related definition of Stuck upVerb:
arrange into piles or stacks
Ex: She piled up her books in my living room
Nevara Distorted Figures Of Men Or Monkeys , Stuck Up As Charms Whilst Building A House Etc . (see Nyvaaram) .
Marappaacchi F . (paacchi) Palg . A Wooden Doll For Children Or Stuck Up As A Charm Against The Evil Eye .
Related wordsStuck up - Peaangacchamulla (പൊങ്ങച്ചമുള്ള)Malayalam to English
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