abundance meaning in marathi

Word: abundance
Meaning of abundance in english - great amount or supply

Meanings in marathi :

As noun :
suvaan ( सुवाण )
sukaal ( सुकाळ )
Synonyms of abundance
profusion prosperity wealth plethora riches myriad plenty bounty affluence fortune opulence copiousness plenitude thriving prosperousness
Antonyms of abundance
poverty lack little scarcity dearth deficiency inadequacy need want
Identical words :
abundance of food - subhiksh ( सुभिक्ष )
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
accompanied by infantryaccompanist who provides a droneabsorptionabsurdabundanceaccompanyingaccording to characteristicsabundantabundantlyabusiveaccording to destinyaccording to ones actionsaccording to ones strengthaccording to the wishacceptanceacceptedaccommodationaccount of a deed or the deeds of a divine incarnationaccount of eventsaccount of the pastacceptingaccompliceaccumulated deedsacquittance from debtacrobats balancing actact of loving devotion to godactaccording toaccordinglyaccount