alternative meaning in marathi

Word: alternative
Meaning of alternative in english - other, alternate, possible choice

Meanings in marathi :

pariyaaovo ( परियाओ--वो )
paryaay ( पर्याय )
Synonyms of alternative
different second substitute surrogate another back-up flipside other side opportunity option selection recourse redundancy preference pick druthers other fish in sea other fish to fry
Antonyms of alternative
rejection compulsion necessity obligation constraint
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
alreadyalsoalternativealthoughamaraambe si iv l 6among people and in the wildernessamount of gold weighing one toḷā approximately ten gramsaltogetheralwaysamazementamount of money equal to half a dāma coinamusementamṛ 427anaemiaancestor deityamazingamongancestorancientand likewiseanguish due to separation from a loved oneanguishedandangeranimal sacrificeanimals tailangrilyanimalanimate being