always excited meaning in marathi

Word: always excited

Meanings in marathi :

As adjective :
sadamad ( सदमद )
सदा मदोन्मत्त
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ambe si iv l 6among people and in the wildernessamount of gold weighing one toḷā approximately ten gramsaltogetheralwaysamazementamount of money equal to half a dāma coinamusementamṛ 427anaemiaancestor deityamazingamongancestorancientand likewiseanguish due to separation from a loved oneanguishedandangeranimal sacrificeanimals tailangrilyanimalanimate beingankleanklet carrying badges of ones victories and types of prowessanklet on which to hang little images of the foes one has conqueredanklet with bellsanklet stamped with images of ones conquered foes see raeside gr p 91 n 2