better meaning in marathi

Word: better

Meanings in marathi :

As adjective :
balavattar ( बळवत्तर )
अधिक चांगले, समर्थ
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
betweenbewildermentbewitching of the eyesbewitchmentbeyondbhangbharuch a place namebhilla womanbhāndak si 1 2bhāṣyabhīṣma of the mahābhāratabidding good-bye by slapping on the handbierbig and small riversbig and strongbig black antbig dogbig shipbig stonebiggerbile phlegm etc coughed up into the mouthbinding tightlybird like a partridgebird that resembles a swanbirds beakbigbilebillsbirdbirds path