busy meaning in marathi

Word: busy
Meaning of busy in english - engaged, at work, active, on the go, nosy, impertinent

Meanings in marathi :

As adjective :
sakaaj ( सकाज )
Synonyms of busy
unavailable working occupied engrossed persevering buried employed hustling assiduous diligent industrious on duty swamped overloaded snowed slaving already taken at it having a full plate having fish to fry having many irons in the fire in a meeting in conference in the field in the laboratory on assignment tied up with a customer having enough on one's plate in someone else's possession up to one's ears lively hectic restless humming tiring energetic fussy strenuous tireless bustling popping busy as a beaver curious forward interfering meddling stirring prying inquisitive intrusive meddlesome obtrusive officious pushy troublesome snoopy butting in
Antonyms of busy
idle inactive unemployed lazy unoccupied quiet unengaged
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
businessmanbustleby a distance equal to that between the extended thumb and the little fingerby bowing downbusybutby controlling body and mindby defecation and vomitingby draggingbutcherbutterbuttermilkbuttressby forceby holding handsby chanceby means ofby oneselfby postpos of instrby the upper wayby the way of wordsby the will of godby the wrong wayby turnby various pathsby virtue of ones birthby way of excessbywaybābhul seedby