complete meaning in marathi

Word: complete
Meaning of complete in english - total, not lacking, finished, utter, absolute, carry out action

Meanings in marathi :

As noun :
maan ( मान )
As adjective :
saav ( साव )
Synonyms of complete
entire exhaustive full outright thorough gross integrated replete all faultless intact integral organic plenary thoroughgoing unabridged unbroken undivided unimpaired whole full-dress unabbreviated uncut unexpurgated undocked hook line and sinker imperforate lock stock and barrel the works uncondensed undiminished unitary unreduced whole enchilada whole nine yards whole-hog whole-length sweeping perfect realized executed down ended accomplished done consummate all-inclusive full-fledged through effected terminated achieved concluded compassed attained all over all over but the shouting all-embracing done with finished off home free that's it positive unconditional blanket sheer categorical downright dyed-in-the-wool flawless impeccable out-and-out unblemished unmitigated unqualified halt finalize perform develop wrap up settle determine close crown equip effectuate actualize elaborate cap supplement refine fulfill discharge furnish make up round off ultimate wind up bring to fruition bring to maturity call it a day carry off do thoroughly get through go the limit go through with go whole hog make good put to bed round out
Antonyms of complete
incomplete defective deficient imperfect lacking missing needy wanting unfinished short part conditional indefinite partial create ignore commence unsettle ruin fail lose neglect bear abandon leave begin introduce start continue open stop forget give up
Identical words :
complete army - akshauhini ( अक्षौहिणी )
completely helpless - agatyaaagaty ( अगत्याअगत्य )
completeness - puratepan ( पुरतेपण )
complete satisfaction - dhavadhani ( धवधणी )
complete renunciation - nirgun [tyaaga] ( निर्गुणत्याग )
complete destruction - nirvans ( निर्वंस )
completely intoxicated - madamadit ( मदमदीत )
complete in all details - saangopaang ( सांगोपांग )
completely in sthiti a trance - stitavat ( स्तीतवत )
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
complementcompletely in sthiti a trancecompletely intoxicatedcompletenesscompletelycompletion ceremonycompletioncomplexioncomplexitycomposed in marāṭhīcomplicationcomposed of the five elements the human bodycomposed of the five elementscomposed of three linescompositioncompound wallcompound wordcompusureconcealedconcealmentconcentrating mentallyconcentrating on a point between ones eyebrowscomprehensionconcentratedconcentration of the mindconcerningconch blowerconch-colouredconciliationconcluding words