deed meaning in marathi

Word: deed
Meaning of deed in english - achievement, legal paper assigning property, contract

Meanings in marathi :

dhaatu ( धातु )
प्रत्यक्ष आचरण
Synonyms of deed
accomplishment reality adventure truth action feat fact do stunt thing plan exploit winning commission game quest enterprise performance bit cause crusade follow through securing tour de force ballgame byplay big idea happenin' transaction document certificate lease compact covenant charter title agreement indenture instrument conveyance voucher papers release security proof bargain warranty
Antonyms of deed
inaction inactivity inertia lie cessation idleness repose stoppage failure rest hold
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
debtordeep-seateddeepdeeply involved in bhaktideer skindeceitdeceitfuldeer-coloureddefeat and victorydefeatdecentdeceptivedefeateddecisiondecoratingdecoydefecationdecorationdeeddefencedefilementdefinite assurance of safetydeerdefectdeities etc inferior to the one supreme goddeity associated with black magicdeity incarnate in the universedeficiencydeficientdefinite