dirty meaning in marathi

Word: dirty
Meaning of dirty in english - soiled, unclean, obscene, pornographic, dishonest, cause to be soiled

Meanings in marathi :

As adjective :
sembudi ( सेंबुडी )
Synonyms of dirty
dusty murky muddy disheveled crummy unkempt grimy messy nasty sloppy filthy greasy spotted foul black defiled bedraggled grubby grungy icky lousy pigpen raunchy slimy slovenly smutty sooty squalid unsanitary unsightly untidy yucky mucky unwashed stained polluted contaminated begrimed smudged disarrayed sullied fouled spattered cruddy dishabille dreggy dungy mung scummy scuzzy slatternly straggly undusted unhygienic unlaundered unswept coarse blue base low mean contemptible despicable immoral impure indecent lewd off-color ribald risqué salacious scatological sordid vile vulgar unchaste uncleanly scurvy sleazy corrupt crooked cheating below the belt deceitful double-dealing shabby shady shifty sneaky underhanded unethical unscrupulous untruthful sully smear blacken smirch smutch mold debase botch rot blur tarnish spoil coat decay blotch taint discolor sweat smoke mess up encrust besoil make dusty
Antonyms of dirty
ordered sterile spotless moral clean clear bright neat orderly tidy pure decent good upright nice honest gay happy noble honor purify cleanse sterilize improve grow ignore build
Identical words :
dirty cloth - kuchil ( कुचिळ )
dirty garment - mailen ( मैळें )
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
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