feather meaning in marathi

Word: feather
Meaning of feather in english - tuft of bird, plumage

Meanings in marathi :

As noun :
vis ( विस )
pis ( पीस )
Synonyms of feather
plume fringe shaft fluff crest down spike fin wing calamus pompon pinna plumule quill pinion
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
fellow travellersfellow-female advisorfearfulfearlessfemale alligatorfemale asceticfeast one gives to the brāhmaṇas of ones village upon returning from a pilgrimagefeastfeatherfemale attendantfemale baby birdfemale bardfemale bearfeeblefeigningfellowfemale beauticianfemale cakravāka birdfemale calffemale camelfemale celestial singerfemale citizenfemale cobrafemale companionfemale cookfemale cricketfemale dancerfemale deerfemale demon