first of all meaning in marathi

Word: first of all
Meaning of first of all in english - principally, first off

Meanings in marathi :

As adverb :
pahilen ( पहिलें )
tuup ( तूप )
Synonyms of first of all
particularly chiefly mostly largely generally notably basically primarily above all eminently especially essentially fundamentally materially peculiarly preeminently substantially predominantly first and foremost importantly universally before anything else cardinally for the most part in the first place in the main prevailingly prevalently superlatively supremely to a great degree vitally immediately up front first thing firstly
Antonyms of first of all
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
first of allfishhookfishing netfistfirstfirstlyfit for a dog to eatfit for sacrificefit of epilepsyfit to be learned by heartfitfishfishermanfit forfittingfive hundredfive peacock feathersfive types of firefive-faced indicating the five divine incarnations of the mahānubhāva sectfive-faced śivafive-storeyed structurefivefivefoldfixed incomefixed or proper timefixed permanent incomefixed precept or rulefixedflag bearing the svastika emblemflag fixed to a spear