gift made to a brāhmaṇa in order to avert the effects of the astrologically inauspicious vyatipāta period meaning in marathi

Word: gift made to a brāhmaṇa in order to avert the effects of the astrologically inauspicious vyatipāta period

Meanings in marathi :

vitipaat ( वितिपात )
सतावीस योगांपैकीं सतरावा, अशुभ योग, तन्निवारणार्थ ब्राह्मणास दिलेली दक्षिणा
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
girls game in which two players hold hands and spin rapidly in a circlegentlygesturegheeghostgive and takegiven the word appears as a sample of the language of the marāṭhāsgiddinessgift made to a brāhmaṇa in order to avert the effects of the astrologically inauspicious vyatipāta periodgiltgirlgiven to sensual pleasuresgiver of knowledgegiving a boongiving a gift of gold coins weighing the same as the donorgiving a speechgiftgiving birth to a childgiving little milk a cowgiving milk an animalgiving profuse milkgiven to sensual pleasuregivengivergiving restgiving someone a bathgiving up somethingglass casegleamingglittering metallic paper