gold coin weighing about 48 gun̄jas or 2-3 16 grains meaning in marathi

Word: gold coin weighing about 48 gun̄jas or 2-3 16 grains

Meanings in marathi :

As noun :
ga ( ग )
सुमारे ४८ गुंजांच्या वजनाचे सोन्याचे नाणे
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
gold coin weighing about 48 guñjas or 2-3 16 grainsgold coins of a specific valuegold of a purity of 48 on a scale of 52golden bananagolden bodygolden bowlgold coingoldgolden fly whiskgolden hub capgolden plattergolden vesselgolden-coloured birdgoldnessgoldsmithgoldsmiths pan of live coalsgoldsmiths shopgoldsmiths threadergoldsmiths tool for making wiregood and badgood and evilgood behaviourgood causegood conductgood conversationalistgood finegood newsgood peoplegood qualitiesgood road or path