gossip meaning in marathi

Word: gossip
Meaning of gossip in english - talk about others, rumor, person who talks a lot, spreads, talk about others, spread rumors

Meanings in marathi :

laavaalaavi ( लावालावी )
Synonyms of gossip
scandal hearsay chitchat tale conversation slander buzz news chatter blather account prate chronicle grapevine defamation cry story meddling babble scuttlebutt wire report prattle calumny injury small talk whispering campaign blether clothesline earful back-fence talk dirty laundry dirty linen dirty wash idle talk malicious talk gossipmonger meddler snoop parrot tattler blabbermouth chatterbox rumormonger informer scandalmonger busybody talebearer telltale prattler chatterer flibbertigibbet newsmonger circulator rumors babbler scandalizer hint jaw intimate imply dish repeat suggest insinuate bad-mouth cut up spill the beans schmoose cut to pieces rattle on talk idly tell secrets tell tales wiggle-waggle
Antonyms of gossip
quiet silence fact conceal hide
Identical words :
gossiping - alonchapaalanch ( आळोंचपाळंच )
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
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