grey meaning in marathi

Word: grey
Meaning of grey in english - gray/grey

Meanings in marathi :

As adjective :
karad ( करड )
kathor ( कठोर )
करड्या रंगाचे
Synonyms of grey
ashen dingy drab dusky dusty iron lead leaden livid mousy neutral pearly peppery powder sere slate smoky somber stone clouded shaded battleship cinereal Dove granite heather oyster silvered silvery
Identical words :
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
greying of the hair in old agegriddlegriefgrievedgrinding and pounding graingrocers shopgrinding and poundinggrindinggristgroangroom for a horseground flourgroup of cowherd women or milkmaidsgroup of deities or of lightsgroomgroundgroup of devoteesgroup of eight villagesgroup of female asceticsgroup of fifteengroup of fivegroup of peoplegroup of pilgrimsgroup of thirty-three deities 11 rudras 12 ādityas 8 vasus prajāpati and somagroup of threegrove of palm treesgrove that has a hundred thousand that is innumerable treesgrovegrowing on the slope of a hillgrown-up