herd meaning in marathi

Word: herd
Meaning of herd in english - large group, gather, shepherd

Meanings in marathi :

thova ( थोवा )
Synonyms of herd
throng brood swarm horde mob flock gathering crowd people drove populace crush lot rabble multitude bevy flight nest drift collection press clan school covey mass assemblage pack hoi polloi gaggle corral round up goad huddle poke force lead associate muster drive punch congregate run assemble rally spur guide
Antonyms of herd
dissuade obey disperse scatter discourage lose divide separate halt
Identical words :
herd of cattle - khillaar ( खिल्लार )
herd of elephants - gajaghataghant ( गजघट--घंट )
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
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