hollow meaning in marathi

Word: hollow
Meaning of hollow in english - empty, hollowed out, deep, resonant in sound, meaningless, false, artificial, empty or dented area, empty out, make concave

Meanings in marathi :

As adjective :
sopaan ( सोपान )
pokal ( पोकळ )
Synonyms of hollow
sunken depressed void vaulted curved cleft notched arched cavernous unfilled vacant indented dimpled cupped excavated pitted striated alveolate carved out cup-shaped deep-set incurved infundibular not solid troughlike flat roaring resounding ringing mute muffled dull ghostly sepulchral thunderous vibrant muted echoing vibrating rumbling clangorous reverberant toneless fruitless worthless futile pointless useless idle nugatory otiose specious unavailing vain flimsy cynical deceitful faithless hypocritical insincere treacherous unsound weak excavation sag dish depression gulf bottom cavity bowl crater concavity chamber basin valley channel dale pocket hole vacuity groove sinkhole scoop indentation dip socket sinkage shovel dig remove trench chase gorge ditch rut furrow rabbet
Antonyms of hollow
convex meaningful sincere frank honest real truthful full raised solid high light soft earnest substantial genuine elevated sharp clear copious fruitful productive profitable useful valuable worthwhile increase mountain rise closure flush fill
Identical words :
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
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