impassioned meaning in marathi

Word: impassioned
Meaning of impassioned in english - excited, vehement

Meanings in marathi :

As adjective :
asaasit ( असासित )
Synonyms of impassioned
sentimental rousing intense fierce fiery heated ardent passionate fervent stirring animated blazing burning deep fervid flaming furious glowing inflamed inspired melodramatic moving mushy powerful profound red-hot romantic starry-eyed torrid violent vivid warm zealous fired up hot-blooded perfervid overemotional steamed up white-hot wild about
Antonyms of impassioned
indifferent peaceful dispassionate apathetic impassive unconcerned calm dull cold cool frigid unenthusiastic
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
impatienceimpatientimpenetrable coatingimperceptibleimperilledimpermanentimpetuous actimplement for cracking nuts etcimplement for drawing out wire from a block of metalimplicationimplied meaningimportanceimposing shapeimpossibleimpotentimprint made on dustimprintimprisonmentimprobableimpromptu poetical compositionimproper behaviourimproper timeimproprietyimpure goldimpure substanceimpureimpurityin a challenging mannerin a day or twoin a different direction