meeting of minds meaning in marathi

Word: meeting of minds

Meanings in marathi :

manomel ( मनोमेळ )
मनांची मिळणी
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
melodious singingmelodious soundmelodiouslymelody rhythm etcmeltingmeetingmellowmember of a particular caste of watchmenmember of a particular community of untouchablesmember of a particular subcaste of brāhmaṇasmelancholymelodiousmember of an assemblymember of an outcaste tribemember of one of the lowest castesmember of the bharāḍī order of gosāvīsmelodymember of a caste whose men wear a cap of peacock feathers and go on begging rounds at daybreakmember of the bhilla tribemember of the fisherman castemember of the gardener castemember of the goṇḍa tribemember of the grocer castemember of the koḷī castemember of the kuṇabī castemember of the kāyastha castemember of the kṣatriya castemember of the largest untouchable caste in mahārāṣṭramember of the largest untouchable caste in māhārāṣṭramember of the māṅga caste