miserliness meaning in marathi

Word: miserliness
Meaning of miserliness in english - avarice, economy, frugality, meanness, parsimony, thriftiness

Meanings in marathi :

As noun :
nidaarapan ( निदारपण )
Synonyms of miserliness
rapacity penuriousness avidity cupidity covetousness niggardliness stinginess greediness close-fistedness grabbiness penny- pinching recession layoff decrease reduction cutback providence regulation discretion direction abridgement restraint prudence carefulness curtailment austerity husbandry supervision deduction moratorium shrinkage caution rollback retrenchment parcity scrimping skimping sparingness moderation avariciousness conservation saving parsimoniousness forehandedness good management malice closeness disrepute wickedness corruptness infamy degradation malignity debasement baseness iniquity pettiness degeneracy unworthiness sordidness unkindness beastliness shamelessness lowness unscrupulousness abjection churlishness contemptibleness ill-temper knavishness smallmindedness
Antonyms of miserliness
generosity philanthropy enlargement expansion increase raise carelessness indiscretion thoughtlessness extravagance disregard imprudence negligence addition spending neglect squandering wastefulness lavishness benevolence goodness morality virtue nobility honor
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
misapprehensionmischievousmixture of curds and kuṅkum daubed on a womans foreheadmixture of flavoursmixture of ground-up foodmixture of mercury and sulphurmixture of milk curds ghee honey and sugarmischievousnessmisdeedmisermixture of mud and cow dungmixture of oil and saltmiserablemiserlymixture of poisonsmixture of powdered ginger and jaggerymixture of rice and curdsmixture of rice and spiced buttermilkmiserlinessmisleadingmixture of water and cow dung sprinkled on the groundmodestymoisturemiserymistressmixedmixturemockerymonetary aid sought from door to door by a person with a plough suspended from his neckmoney given to a widow at her wedding