musical note meaning in marathi

Word: musical note

Meanings in marathi :

As noun :
saraakhar ( सराखर )
स्वरयुक्त अक्षर
Identical words :
musical note or tune - suti ( सुती )
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
musical patternmusical rāga belonging to the rainy seasonmusician who plays a stringed instrumentmusician who plays a svaramaṇḍalamusk deermusicianmuskmuslimmustard plantmustard seedmutual attacksmutual embracemutual enjoymentmutual likingmutual lovemutual sprinkling of coloured watermy consciousness of myselfmutualmymyrobalan fruitmystical experience of merging into the ultimate reality and becoming separate from itmysteriousmystical nectar in yogamysticalmythical being with a human body and a horses headmāhārāṣṭramāhūrmānas 84mārutī the wind godmātu =