on the other side meaning in marathi

Word: on the other side

Meanings in marathi :

As adverb :
yerikade ( येरीकडे )
दुसरी- कडे
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
on the subject ofon this dayon this sideon toponceone adhering to orthodox practiceone after anotheronone after the otherone and a fourthone and a half hoursone and a half timesone and a halfone and a quarter timesone and a quarterone and one-fourthone anotherone belonging to someone elseone billionone desirous of the rewards of his actionsone enlightened with spiritual knowledgeone halfone having feathersone hundred eightone in the front lineone incapable of speechone moreone of a row of people sitting to eatone of eight devotional attitudesone of five extraordinary powers in the yoga of nātha ascetics