one meaning in marathi

Word: one

Meanings in marathi :

As adjective :
yek ( येक )
ek ( एक )
Identical words :
oneself - svayen ( स्वयें )
one hundred eight - aathasati ( आठसटी )
one-half - aadh ( आध )
one who terminates the ego and unites knowledge with the knowable - adhiyagy ( अधियज्ञ )
one who has an experience - anubhavi ( अनुभवी )
one who practises religious exercises - anushthaani ( अनुष्ठानी )
one who is in error - anyathaagyaani ( अन्यथाज्ञानी )
ones own work - aapakaaj ( आपकाज )
ones own - aapul ( आपुल )
one who feels fond pride for someone - abhimaani ( अभिमानी )
one who lives on donated food that has not been begged for - ayaachagraasiya ( अयाचग्रासीया )
one half - arddhaardh ( अर्द्ध-अर्ध )
one billion - arbuj ( अर्बुज )
one of the types of knowledge proper to deities - avaravidya ( अवरविद्या )
one of the eighty-four hells - asipatr ( असिपत्र )
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
onenessones birthplaceones brothers wifeones deputyones fathers sisterones in-laws houseones lifes savingsones mother and sistersones mothers obligationones mothers sisterones own and anothersones own dutyones own workones relativesones representativeones true natureones whole life longones ownones whole lifeoneselfonion with green leavesonly half satisfiedonlyoozingopen hands placed side by side and slightly hollowedopen space in a villageopen space in front of a wellopen tentopening in a wallopen space