pillar erected as a memorial of victory meaning in marathi

Word: pillar erected as a memorial of victory

Meanings in marathi :

kirtistambh ( कीर्तिस्तंभ )
यशाचे स्मारक म्हणून उभारलेला खांब
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
pillar or column supporting a roofpillar with niches for small oil lampspillarpillowpimppinch of saltpinpinch on the cheekpinchpining for a loved onepiningpinkish redpinnaclepiouspipepiping hotpippala treepit full of puspitpitcherpithwood treepitiable conditionpitiablypitiful complainingpitiful state conditionpitiablepitypl cattleplplace and position