place in a village where water is fetched meaning in marathi

Word: place in a village where water is fetched

Meanings in marathi :

paanivatha ( पानिवथा )
गावातील पाणी भरण्याची जागा
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
place in the body in yogic physiologyplace name in ṛddhipurplace name the home of nirmaḷā cokhās sisterplace nameplace of workplace of worship of the deity bhairavaplace or position from which there is no return or fallplace sheltered from the windplace where alms are distributedplace where brāhmaṇa men change their sacred threads on the full-moon day of the month of śrāvaṇaplace where food is given away free of chargeplace where money is coinedplace where service is performedplace where three roads meetplace where water storage jars are keptplacing a mark on a persons forehead and giving the person pānplain cotton garmentplainplaited hairplan and a strategyplanetplanks forming a ceilingplanningplaceplant that brings the dead back to lifeplantain leafplantain treeplanplantplanting