preacher meaning in marathi

Word: preacher

Meanings in marathi :

prahastik ( प्रहस्तिक )
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
preceding and followingpreceptor of five familiespreceptor who initiates that is transforms iron into goldpreceptorprecious stoneprecipicepredictionpreferencesprefix denoting divinity royalty or auspiciousnessprefix of negationpregnant animalpregnant womanprejudiced against godpregnantprenatal ritualpreparationpreparations for a retreatpreparationsprepared by decoctionpreparedness for battle or travelpresent of a personal belonging made by a divine incarnation to a devoteepresent-daypresentationpresentlypreparedpreparednesspresentpressedpresser of oilpressure but ṭīkā