secret meaning in marathi

Word: secret

Meanings in marathi :

varmakhuun ( वर्मखूण )
Identical words :
secret whispered in the ear - kaanamaatanenkaanamaatanen ( कानमातणें-कानमातनें )
secretly - gupaitaiya ( गुपैतैया )
secret door - choradara ( चोरदरा )
secret path - choravaat ( चोरवाट )
secretly adulterous - chauriyerat ( चौरीयेरत )
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
sect of yogīssection of a booksecretsecretlysection of a literary worksectionsecuritysedan chairsedimentseed mantraseed of a marking nut plantseed of the cāra treeseed of the viḍaṅga plant a medicinal herbseed pod of a treeseed within a blossomseedseeing offseeing someone offseenseiveselect or choice portionselectionseeing the absolute brahman or god as well as deities and other lower beingsseeingselectself-bornself-confidenceself-controlself-existentself-generated