sleep meaning in marathi

Word: sleep

Meanings in marathi :

saja ( सजा )
nidra ( निद्रा )
Identical words :
sleepless - unida ( उनीदा )
sleeping in water - jalasen ( जळसेन )
sleepy - nidasur ( निदसुर )
sleeping - sen ( सेन )
sleeping on the ground - bhumisaen ( भूमिसएन )
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
sleepsleeping on the groundsleepingsleeplesssleepyslendernessslice of a vegetableslice of fruitslice of vegetableslimsling for hanging foodsliceslingslingshotslipslippery placeslippery surfacesliver of stoneslope of a mountainsloping laneslow inhalationslowly and carefullyslopeslowlysluggishnessslurslushysmall bag with several compartments or pocketssmall basketsmall bed