spread meaning in marathi

Word: spread

Meanings in marathi :

sãvasaara ( संवसारा )
vistaar ( विस्तार )
pasaara ( पसारा )
Identical words :
spread out - paghal ( पघळ )
spreading out - sãsaran ( संसरण )
spreading - vikhurani ( विखुरणी )
spread-out bedroll - saatari ( सातरी )
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
spreading outsprig of the gram plantsprig of the holy basil plantspringing upspringtimesprinkling of water on the bride and groom during a weddingspreadingspringsprinkling the ground with water mixed with cow dungsprinklingsprout emerging from the core of a plantsprout of a coconutsprout of the nāgavelī creepersprout within a sproutsprouting pointspysquanderingsproutsquare brick made of mudsquare or oblong well with steps leading down to the watersquare or oblong well with stepssquaresquattingsquint-eyed personsquirt of watersr ii 213-14ss 209stabilitystable for horsesstable