subjected meaning in marathi

Word: subjected

Meanings in marathi :

As adjective :
vasy ( वस्य )
Identical words :
subjected to oneself - aapait ( आपैत )
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
subjectssubmissivesubstance consisting of five ingredientssubstance to be taken with medicinesubterranean passagesubtle mattersubtlesubtletysuccesssuccessfulsuccession of ritual actssuccessive generationssuch assucking bloodsucking drysuchsudden or untimely deathsuddenlysuffering from a diseasesuffering from separation from a loved onesufferingsufficientsufficientlysuffix denoting an ordinal numbersuffix denoting liking attachment or a sense of identitysuffix meaning all types ofsuffix generally used to form abstract nouns used here as a noun [pk ppaṇasuffix to a personal namesugar cane used to prepare jaggerysugar cane