Hindi English Dictionary | हिन्दी अंग्रेज़ी शब्दकोश
the mountain kailāsa meaning in marathi
the mountain kailāsa
Meanings in marathi :
( कविलास-कविळास )
कैलास पर्वत
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
the mountain kiṣkindha
the mountain malaya
the mountain of dattātreya at māhūr
the mountain śrīśailya
the mouth as a rostrum
the mouth of a broken pot
the mouth of a horse
the mouth or head of an elephant
the mover of the wheel of the universe
the mouth
the music of the mortal world
the name of a baby donkey
the name of a branch of vājasaneyī brāhmaṇas
the name of a cave at ellora
the name of a constellation
the name of a deadly poison
the name of a deity in ṛddhipur
the name of a deity śiva
the name of a devotee dhruva
the name of a devotee of the god viṭṭhala of paṇḍharpūr
the name of a deity
the name of a devotee of śiva in a folktale in the līḷācaritra
the name of a field or of a piece of fertile land
the name of a folk deity
the name of a forest in the mahābhārata
the name of a foster mother of lord kṛṣṇa
the name of a goddess in ṛddhipur
the name of a goddess
the name of a heavenly nymph
the name of a heavily forested region of mahārāṣṭra
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