the part of a village or town where mahāras live meaning in marathi

Word: the part of a village or town where mahāras live

Meanings in marathi :

maahaaravadaavaada ( माहारवडा--वाडा )
mahaaravaada ( महारवाडा )
महारांची वसाहत
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
the part of a village where mahāras livethe part of the līḷācaritra describing the period during which cakradhar did not yet have disciplesthe part of the vedas relating to sacrificial ritesthe past and the futurethe past but pānse common placethe path followed by the windthe path of intellectual union with godthe path of light leading to the brahmalokathe pedestal for a liṅga of śivathe penis and the bellythe period during which the planet jupiter is in the constellation leothe period during which the planet jupiter is in the constellation virgothe penisthe performance of various religious practices directed toward and rewarded by deities rather than parameśvarathe period of a manu 4 320 000 human yearsthe period of govindaprabhus life after cakradharathe peripherythe petal of a flowerthe phallic image of the god śivathe philosophy of bhaṭobāsathe picture which is the worldthe pinnacle of a templethe pith or kernel of somethingthe piṅgalāthe place in the body where the three channels iḍā piṅgalā and suṣumnā are joinedthe place of ones birththe place of the eight types of deity ciḍā ciṭuka vīra bhautika deva devī yakṣa and yakṣiṇīthe place where the sacred thread reststhe placentathe planet mars