to become small meaning in marathi

Word: to become small

Meanings in marathi :

As transitive verb :
saanejane ( सानेजणे )
लहान होणे
Identical words :
to become smaller - ankuchane ( अंकुचणे )
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
to become smallerto become softto become solidto become stained soiledto become staleto become steadyto become strongto become sweetto become unsteadyto become warmto become wildto bedeck oneself and wriggleto befitto beg forto beg pitifullyto beginto believe into belittle oneselfto bellowto bend downto begto behaveto bend under a loadto bendto benefit fromto besmearto bewitchto bid good-byeto bind tightlyto bite