to get wet meaning in marathi

Word: to get wet

Meanings in marathi :

As transitive verb :
bhinnane ( भिन्नणे )
bhijane ( भिजणे )
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
to gird ones loinsto give a bath toto give a callto give a signalto getto give an account ofto give an impressionto give away profusely liberallyto give birth to a childto give awayto give birth toto give birthto give milkto give rise toto give shelter toto give up ones lifeto gleamto glimmerto glitterto gnash ones teeth in angerto give upto giveto gnaw atto go acrossto go againstto glorifyto go and rot a term of abuseto go around and aroundto go aroundto go astray