to threaten meaning in marathi

Word: to threaten

Meanings in marathi :

As noun :
dataavane ( दटावणे )
As transitive verb :
daapane ( दापणे )
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
to threshto throw away pebbles over which mantras have been spoken as a remedy against a diseaseto throw awayto throw light onto throw oneself downto throw or hurl awayto thrustto thunderto tickleto tie firmlyto tie onto tie squarelyto tie tightlyto tie to a postto tie with a ropeto tieto tiltto tinkleto toil hardto tolerateto toppleto tormentto totterto touch in a sensitive partto touchto trample on the ground with hoovesto trampleto transact businessto transgressto transmit energy to