words written on a palm leaf meaning in marathi

Word: words written on a palm leaf

Meanings in marathi :

bhurjuukhi ( भुर्जुउखी )
भूर्जपत्रावरील लेखन, ओळ
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
wanting a spindlewantingwanton womanwantonwantonlywarwardwarding off evil by waving salt and mustard seeds around a personwarehousewareswarfarewarm embracewarm waterwarmwarmthwarningwarrior chiefwarrior fighting alonewarrior slain in battlewarrior with the strength of four armswarriorwashwashed cleanwashed or purified by truthwashedwashermanwashermans potwasherwomanwashing of wingswashing