annoy meaning in tamil
Word: annoy - The english word have 5 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of verbin english.
Meaning of annoy in english - irritate, upset
disturb turn off exasperate perturb peeve bother displease vex rile irk agitate gall trouble bore worry distress beleaguer provoke badger gnaw nudge nag pester madden abrade bedevil ruffle get needle break plague bug chafe miff tease ride nettle harass harry egg on henpeck push button fire up T-off ask for it be at be on the back of burn up heat up hit where one lives make waves tick offappease calm comfort quiet reassure soothe delight enchant charm aid assist mollify gratify cheer please help make happy
Meaning of annoy in english - irritate, upset
Meanings in tamil :
cholipanna ( சோலிபண்ண )
Identical words :
Synonyms of annoy
Antonyms of annoy
Tamil to English
English To Tamil