arrange meaning in tamil

Word: arrange - The english word have 7 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of verbin english.
Meaning of arrange in english - put in an order, make plans, often involving agreement, prepare musical composition differently

Meanings in tamil :

chemmaipanna ( செம்மைபண்ண )

Identical words :

arrangement - pntopstu ( பந்தோபஸ்து )
arrangement of a series of verbs - etirnirainiṟai ( எதிர்நிரைநிறை )
arrangements - kovai ( கோவை )
arrange into a system - kovaicheyya ( கோவைசெய்ய )
arrangement of notes in a tune in a musical composition - churm ( சுரம் )
arrangement of rules in grammar - chuttiranilai ( சூத்திரநிலை )
arrangement of nouns - nirainiṟai ( நிரைநிறை )
arranged according to various devices - ptl ( படல் )
arrangement in writing or print - patti ( பத்தி )
arrangement or row of horses or elephants in a stand - panti ( பந்தி )
arrangement to reduce the mean anomaly to the equation table - puchakoti ( புசாகோடி )
arrangement of pots - mantapappati ( மண்டபப்படி )

Synonyms of arrange

organize file form sort systematize group dispose align tidy rank police range spruce array regulate class classify clear the decks fix up spruce up methodize line up police up put in good shape put in order put to rights whip into shape tailor determine schedule provide promote manage negotiate construct resolve design decide draft lay out work out establish blueprint adjust concert devise frame contrive direct chart project settle compromise adapt harmonize scheme agree to iron out quarterback come to terms get act together get ready hammer out a deal make a connection make ready map out pull a wire pull things together set stage shape up work out a deal orchestrate instrument

Antonyms of arrange

destroy disarrange disorder disorganize mix up scatter jumble derange disperse displace mismanage confuse disturb not plan hesitate waver ruin neglect upset unfit
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