barbarian meaning in tamil

Word: barbarian - The english word have 9 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of adjective, nounin english.
Meaning of barbarian in english - crude, savage, crude, savage person

Meanings in tamil :

milechchan ( மிலேச்சன் )

Identical words :

barbarians - pulinar ( புளினர் )

Synonyms of barbarian

wild primitive rough philistine barbaric barbarous boorish brutal coarse cruel inhuman merciless uncivil uncivilized uncouth uncultivated uncultured unsophisticated untamed vicious vulgar lowbrow clod ruffian monster lout hooligan rascal brute cannibal bigot beast ignoramus vandal troglodyte

Antonyms of barbarian

civilized cultured educated humane kind polite calm mild moderate sophisticated nice refined
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