bile meaning in tamil

Word: bile - The english word have 4 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of nounin english.
Meaning of bile in english - malice, rancor, choler, animus, secretion, peevishness

Meanings in tamil :

pittam ( பித்தம் )
முப்பிணியிலொன்று w
mykkm ( மயக்கம் )

Identical words :

bile of the sloth - tevankumai ( தேவாங்குமை )

Synonyms of bile

grudge enmity hostility bitterness resentment ill will meanness antipathy animosity hatred mordacity umbrage spite malevolence venom poison maliciousness acerbity dislike viciousness repugnance dirt evil bane malignity despite vindictiveness down spleen spitefulness bad blood despitefulness implacability hatefulness malignance harshness antagonism acrimony vengefulness pique dudgeon vengeance virulence retaliation aversion variance resentfulness unfriendliness ruthlessness hardness of heart ill feeling revengefulness uncharitableness anger ire mind spirit temper saliva gum juice sweat sap milk mucus tears petulance

Antonyms of bile

good will friendship friendliness happiness liking morality benevolence thoughtfulness kindness love loving like respect sympathy
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