burning meaning in tamil

Word: burning - The english word have 7 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of adjectivein english.
Meaning of burning in english - blazing, flashing, fervent, excited, stinging, painful, important

Meanings in tamil :

pattichchuvalakar ( பத்திச்சுவாலகர் )

Identical words :

burning or not - angkarakam ( அங்காரகம் )
burning of a fever - azl ( அழல் )
burning the dead - itukatu ( இடுகாடு )
burning of the whole body - utalerivu ( உடலெரிவு )
burning flame - eri ( எரி )
burning anger - erichinam ( எரிசினம் )
burning sensation in the stomach from hunger - erichchl ( எரிச்சல் )
burning hell - erinarakam ( எரிநரகம் )
burning ulcer or cancer - eripatuvan ( எரிபடுவன் )
burning torch - eripantam ( எரிபந்தம் )
burning sensation in the body - erivantam ( எரிவந்தம் )
burning place for the dead - patukatu ( படுகாடு )
burning sun - katuveyil ( கடுவெயில் )
burning fiercely and with a hollow roar - knknenl ( கணகணெனல் )
burning of the eyes - kannerivu ( கண்ணெரிவு )

Synonyms of burning

scorching flaming searing hot glowing gleaming fiery broiling illuminated alight sizzling blistering heated afire incandescent on fire red-hot torrid conflagrant enkindled flaring oxidizing ignited smoking smouldering aflame in flames white-hot eager earnest ardent fervid feverish frantic frenzied hectic impassioned intense passionate vehement zealous all-consuming caustic piercing irritating sharp biting smarting acrid pungent tingling prickling reeking acute instant pressing compelling crying imperative essential clamant clamorous critical crucial dire exigent importunate significant urgent

Antonyms of burning

apathetic unimportant cold cool dull unexcited unconcerned unenthusiastic kind calm mild nice low bland optional inessential
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