cast meaning in tamil

Word: cast - The english word have 4 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of noun, verbin english.
Meaning of cast in english - a throw to the side, appearance, shade of color, actors in performance, molded structure, throw aside, emit, give, calculate, select for activity

Meanings in tamil :

kttlai ( கட்டளை )
kaṟpanai ( கற்பனை )
niṟaiyaṟikaruvi ( நிறையறிகருவி )
niṟai ( நிறை )
uraikal ( உரைகல் )
uvamai ( உவமை )
ozungku ( ஒழுங்கு )

Identical words :

As noun :
caste - mlaiykm ( மலையகம் )
caste among the hindus formerly employed as ser vants in the palace and in temples - akampatiyar ( அகம்படியார் )
cast by the sun or moon - apachchayai ( அபச்சாயை )
castor plant - peramanakku ( பேராமணக்கு )
caste and good manners including conduct prescribed by the shasters and of good disposition - aṟanilaiyinpam ( அறநிலையின்பம் )
castor oil - amanakkenney ( ஆமணக்கெண்ணெய் )
caste called brin jaree - ilmpati ( இலம்பாடி )
cast a game with betel nuts - uchchu ( உச்சு )
cast leaves - utir ( உதிர் )
casting from the mouth - umizvu ( உமிழ்வு )
caste of drummers at temples - ochchr ( ஓச்சர் )
castor shrub - urppulm ( ஊர்ப்புலம் )
cast out as useless - uṟṟu ( ஊற்று )
casting up sand as waves - ekkr ( எக்கர் )
cast of foresters who like by plunder and who formerly were much employed as soldiers - eyinar ( எயினர் )

Tamil Examples :

1. ‘வித்தியாசமான’ கதை எழுதவும், படம் எடுக்கவும் படைப்பாளிகள் படும்பாடு நீதிமன்றங்களின் கற்பனை வரம்புக்கு எட்டாதவை
‘vittiyachamana’ katai ezutavum, patam etukkavum pataippalikal patumpatu nitiman?ankalin ka?panai varampukku ettatavai

Synonyms of cast

toss pitch shooting heave projection lob propulsion sling fling hurl thrust ejection expulsion casting slinging heaving flinging tossing pitching hurling launching lobbing thrusting style tone hue semblance embodiment visage demeanor stamp tinge mien face turn countenance tint complexion manner air expression look troupe list company actresses roles players parts characters artists dramatis personae shape sculpture figure plaster conformation duplicate replica facsimile copy drop impel shed shy fire boot chuck drive peg bung direct point train distribute sprinkle scatter aim spray spread spatter deposit bestow radiate strew diffuse compute reckon sum number tot forecast add foot total summate choose pick appoint blueprint name devise arrange allot chart detail design plan determine designate assign delegate decide upon

Antonyms of cast

catch keeping retention white original dissuade repress stop gather receive take collect guess estimate subtract ignore disorder disorganize withhold
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