dampness meaning in tamil

Word: dampness - The english word have 8 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of nounin english.
Meaning of dampness in english - humidity, vapor, stickiness, sultriness

Meanings in tamil :

As noun :
pachchenavu ( பச்செனவு )
irm ( ஈரம் )

Identical words :

dampness as in lands - irappachumai ( ஈரப்பசுமை )
dampness rising from the ground in the wet season - uṟṟu ( ஊற்று )
dampness as of a floor - otm ( ஓதம் )
dampness of soil - nilavuṟal ( நிலவூறல் )

Synonyms of dampness

moisture evaporation heaviness thickness dew wet steam swelter moistness humidness clamminess wetness dankness steaminess mugginess sogginess vaporization oppressiveness fogginess dewiness humectation sweatiness condensation smoke gas smog effluvium breath haze exhalation miasma

Antonyms of dampness

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