dash meaning in tamil

Word: dash - The english word have 4 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of noun, verbin english.
Meaning of dash in english - fast race for short distance, flair, style, small amount, suggestion, run very fast for short distance, break by hitting or throwing violently, discourage, frustrate

Meanings in tamil :

As noun :
teṟippu ( தெறிப்பு )
as தெறி

Identical words :

As adjective :
dashing - takku ( தாக்கு )
dashing of a wave or of a mountain tor rent - aṟai ( அறை )
dash against and turn as water - utai ( உதை )
dashta - tttm ( தட்டம் )
dash against - takku ( தாக்கு )

Synonyms of dash

sprint rush zip sortie dart onset haste bolt spurt birr force energy vim zing brio strength animation vehemence might vigor life panache power flourish spirit oomph verve intensity éclat élan esprit impressiveness vivacity pinch bit hint sprinkling streak trifle sprinkle lick smidgen tincture trace seasoning tinge drop little zest taste smack part grain touch suspicion flavor scattering squirt soupçon few drops fly shoot gallop tear scamper bound scurry scoot hurry chase career spring course charge lash hasten speed boil get on it make a run for it make it snappy rush at smash plunge hurtle fling beat shatter slam hurl shiver sling splatter cudgel splinter bludgeon cast splash destroy crash thwart dampen ruin spoil disappoint dismay balk dispirit chagrin confound abash bilk discomfort baffle foil blight nip blast circumvent cloud

Antonyms of dash

glob lump slowness drab dullness frumpiness weakness incompetence idleness inactivity laziness lethargy enervation apathy inability powerlessness information lot walk wait dawdle aid assist stay encourage help inspirit mend retreat fix lose grow enlighten explain abet permit make happy clear up relieve
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