date meaning in tamil
Word: date - The english word have 4 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of noun, verbin english.
Meaning of date in english - point in time, particular day or time, social engagement, person accompanying another socially, assign a time, see person socially, become obsolete
term period moment stage span generation spell while reign juncture course epoch duration quarter hour year century appointment meeting visit interview rendezvous call assignation tryst sweetheart steady companion escort lover girlfriend partner boyfriend blind date come from register determine mark record fix isolate chronicle measure belong to affix a date to carbon-date exist from fix the date of originate in put in its place woo court attend fix up associate with consort with deuce it go around together go around with go out with go steady go together keep company make a date step around take out obsolesce outdate archaize antiquateenemy foe opponent ignore disregard
Meaning of date in english - point in time, particular day or time, social engagement, person accompanying another socially, assign a time, see person socially, become obsolete
Meanings in tamil :
teyti ( தெய்தி )
Identical words :
As noun :
dates - perichchampazam ( பேரீச்சம்பழம் )
dates - perichchampazam ( பேரீச்சம்பழம் )
Synonyms of date
Antonyms of date
Tamil to English
English To Tamil