debate meaning in tamil

Word: debate - The english word have 6 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of noun, verbin english.
Meaning of debate in english - discussion of issues, consideration, argue, discuss

Meanings in tamil :

taṟkam ( தற்கம் )

Identical words :

Synonyms of debate

deliberation contest argument controversy match dispute argumentation dialectic contention agitation polemic tiff wrangle hassle altercation words disputation meditation cogitation reflection forensic mooting refuting controverting rebutting blah-blah bicker deliberate question oppose answer contend confab differ bandy pettifog prove confute refute rehash agitate reason disprove canvass demonstrate cogitate cross swords lock horns altercate bump heads chew the fat discept hammer away at hash over have at it kick around knock around pick a bone put up argument set to talk back talk game thrash out

Antonyms of debate

quiet agreement peace harmony give in harmonize prove endorse make peace
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