delivery meaning in tamil

Word: delivery - The english word have 8 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of nounin english.
Meaning of delivery in english - transfer, transmittal, articulation of message, childbirth, giving of freedom

Meanings in tamil :

As noun :
piṟppu ( பிறப்பு )
As adjective :
tittu ( தீட்டு )
chutakam ( சூதகம் )
maranachutakam ( மரணசூதகம் )
pzmai ( பழமை )

Synonyms of delivery

transmission distribution consignment shipment drop commitment dispatch conveyance rendition post surrender carting portage mailing freighting giving over handing over impartment intrusting parcel post enunciation diction modulation inflection accent pronunciation emphasis speech intonation utterance elocution bearing travail accouchement childbearing lying-in confinement birthing labor parturition Caesarian section bringing forth geniture release freeing rescue pardon salvation liberation deliverance escape emancipation

Antonyms of delivery

hold quiet secrecy capture confinement keeping retention imprisonment restraint silence
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