detail meaning in tamil

Word: detail - The english word have 6 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of noun, verbin english.
Meaning of detail in english - feature, specific aspect, military troop, specify, make clear, assign specific task

Meanings in tamil :

tpchil ( தப்சீல் )

Identical words :

detailed account containing the names of individuals - ichumuvari ( இசுமுவாரி )
detail of items - pyamvar ( பயாம்வார் )
detailing the ten incarnations of vishnu - pakavatam ( பாகவதம் )

Synonyms of detail

schedule structure element thing part design plan article fact point nitty-gritty peculiarity respect minutia triviality specification nicety cue fraction factor trait dope technicality component specialty accessory particular singularity count item portion brass tacks chapter and verse meat and potatoes nuts and bolts ABCs circumstantiality fine point minor point body duty force army assignment detachment fatigue party organization squad unit KP kitchen police special force portray reveal depict delineate relate describe stipulate spell out enumerate uncover recount lay out summarize analyze tell recite exhibit show particularize elaborate rehearse communicate embellish recapitulate produce catalog spread epitomize report specialize individualize itemize narrate designate set forth circumstantiate fly speck get down to brass tacks quote chapter and verse sweat details appoint send commission charge delegate

Antonyms of detail

whole entirety generality generalization spirit conceal hide suppress mix up simplify misrepresent withhold cover confuse
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