diet meaning in tamil

Word: diet - The english word have 4 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of noun, verbin english.
Meaning of diet in english - abstinence from food, daily intake of food, abstain from food

Meanings in tamil :

puṟappattiyam ( புறப்பத்தியம் )
as மறுபத்தியம் opposite to அகப்பத்தியம்

Identical words :

diet drink - kutinir ( குடிநீர் )

Synonyms of diet

restriction regimen fast starvation dietary nutritional therapy weight-reduction plan fare nutriment provisions victuals menu bite nourishment aliment commons sustenance comestibles snack subsistence viands rations goodies edibles daily bread grubbery slim reduce fall off go without starve count calories eat sparingly lose weight skinny down slim down tighten belt

Antonyms of diet

indulgence deprivation starvation
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